Every summer since 1965, campers and staff from Camp Wapomeo (A Taylor Statten Camp) have boarded a bus from Algonquin Park destined for an even more remote location in Ontario’s northern wilderness. From there, they paddle and portage their way back to Canoe Lake over 50 days, pushing themselves mentally and physically.

Overcome with emotion as they completed their incredible journey, this project hopes to share the faces and memories of these powerful young women at their strongest. No comforts of home, no makeup, and the clothes on their backs – this is as real as it gets. We hope it will provide inspiration to future generations to create incredible connections, both with themselves and nature..

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?
Day 43- Our 11.5 km portage ended on a hill with the big Barron river sign at the bottom. As I came down the hill I saw all my cabin mates, who had finished, cheering me on. And it felt so good the heat of the day was gone and all that was left was me and my girls. Nothing has ever felt that good.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
Day 3- I hadn’t fully gotten into trip yet and a mosquito flew into my eye and somehow mange’s to get under my contact. And I was on this killer uphill so while I was trying to fix my eyeball I tripped fell and rolled down the hill. It sucked.

What was your most prized possession while on trip?
My journal because it kept track of everything I wouldn’t remember of this amazing time in my life.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
It is important, but it’s not for everyone. There’s no way any outsider could understand it because the experience itself is so unique.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Take time every once in awhile to embrace what you are doing and feel how strong you are.

What was the longest trip you had done before this one and where did it go?
22 Days in Kipawa.

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?
Spending time with my cabin mates during our lunch/snack breaks because we got to talk and laugh a lot.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
I was pretty tired by the end of the trip, but I felt so accomplished that it was worth it.

What was your most prized possession while on trip and why?
I carried around a really smooth stick during third segment named SmoothWood and I still have him with me in Texas. I love him.

Did you have a designated role while on trip?
I went on water runs every evening with my friend Catherine. We both loved going on the water runs because the water was always calm in the evening and it was so pretty.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important? 
It is important to take a break from city life and take the time to get to really know your cabin mates because they will soon become your best friends. Trip also really makes you appreciate things you would otherwise never think about.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Try to live in the moment as much as possible. Don’t think about things you should’ve done or things you should do in the future. Just think about what you are doing in the present moment.

What was the highlight of the trip for you?
The highlight was just being in nature with my best friends.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
The Benny portage.

What was your most prized possession while on trip?
My Nalgene. We lost so many and they were very important on long portages.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important? 
A once in a lifetime experience. I think it is important because tripping teaches you so much about yourself and surviving in the wilderness.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Keep a journal, even if it feels like such a hassle. It will be worth it in the end.

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?
All of the moments when we laughed so hard our bellies hurt and lunch. Oh! and when I got my 50th signature on my friendship page.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
The low point for me was when I lost my adventure hat. It was sad.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t? 
I wish we had brought Walkie Talkies. They would have been so efficient for many reasons.

How did it feel to be away from the internet and social media for 50 days?
It felt nice. At the beginning I kind of missed it but in the end I didn’t even want to use it when I came home.

What was your most prized possession while on trip and why?
My most prized possessions on trip were my adventure hats. They are incredible. They can be used as hats, sun protectors, bug protectors, face protectors, bowls, plates, chairs, pillows AND MORE. They are pretty darn fantastic.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
It’s hard to explain trip to a non-tripper because it doesn’t actually make very much sense. It’s buggy and hot and you’re tired all the time, you’re legs are covered in scratches, your muscles are sore and you usually end up injured or sick. But we still love it. Maybe it’s the permanent crazy embedded in our brains or maybe it’s the magic of trip. I think trip is incredibly important because it shapes who you are as a person. I am my favourite version of myself when I’m on trip and I always come off it feeling strong and confident.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
There’s no such thing as a bad day. Even the days where you have to bushwhack for hours, you’re tired and sore and you feel like giving up are good days because they make the great days even better.

What was the longest trip you had done before this one and where did it go?
Also a 50 Day – through Bisco, Lady Evelyn, Temagami, Algonquin.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
Finding out about the fires in Temagami and having half of our route completely changed.

What was your most prized possession while on trip and why?
Trip journal, loved to write down the day’s events every night in the tent.

Did you have a designated role while on trip?
As a staff member, pretty much everything was my designated role! (except collecting firewood, of course)

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
It brings you back to your roots, allows you to be truly yourself, gives you perspective and a greater appreciation for the world, gives you some of the best friendships in the world, reminds you of your strength, mentally, and physically… I could go on! In short, I would explain it as a life-changing experience that helps you to become one of the best versions of yourself!

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Don’t approach the trip thinking it will be the ‘best experience of your life.’ Just let it happen to you!

What was the longest trip you had done before this one and where did it go?
50 Day in 2013 – Biscotasing, Temagami, Algonquin.

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?
The first half doing rough terrain but being in the thick of it together and falling in love!

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t?
A pillow. Never needed one before, but my neck was not happy.

What was your most prized possession while on trip and why?
My co-staff Charlotte. I wouldn’t be here without her. Also my journal. It’s still my most prized possession.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
It shows you how much you’re capable of. It takes a lot to surprise yourself, but this really does it.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Don’t put too much pressure on it! It’s OK to have bad days. The magic will be there anyway.

What was the longest trip you had done before this one and where did it go?
Kipawa for 22 days.

What was the highlight of the trip for you?
Lake Superior and it’s fantastic views.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
The day we finished was the only low point.

What was your most prized possession while on trip?
My journal because I had all my adventures and good times written in it.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
Its important because you grow in confidence and your ability to calmly solve problems. You grow both mentally and physically. My parents frequently remind me that what I have accomplished is something many adults couldn’t do.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Find your courage and just do it.

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?
I loved seeing Lake Superior.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
The low point was when I was taken off trip for a week.

What was your most prized possession while on trip and why?
My most prized possession on trip was my paddle, because it got me everywhere, and I waited for years to buy the one I had.

Did you have a designated role while on trip?
My designated role this year was to carry the wannigan (in the photo). The girl who used to do it didn’t return to camp this year, so I stepped into the position.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
I think there is no real way to explain such an experience to those who have never experienced it, but to start I might use the word magical.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Don’t look for a moment where you realize that 50 day is special, remember every moment, for it is only after you realize how lucky you were to experience it.

What was the highlight of the trip for you?
Paddling Lake Superior.

What was your most prized possession while on trip?
My trip journal.

Did you have a designated role while on trip?
We all cleaned, all cooked and did everything as a team.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
It helps someone become the best version of themselves.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Always have a positive attitude.

What was the longest trip you had done before this one and where did it go?
Ishpatina for 36 days. It explored the Biscotasing and Temagami regions.

What was the highlight of the trip for you?
Definitely going to Lake Superior as it was one of the most beautiful places that I’ve ever experienced and not many trips get to go.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
Low point was when one of my fellow cabin-mates had to be evacuated for 8 days. She has been on all my long trips and we do everything together. It was hard to see her go and at the time I had no idea if she was going to be able to return or when.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t?
An extra toothbrush to come at one of the food drops. I had one toothbrush for the whole 50 days and around half way through it started to become dirty from the environment I was in. I wished I could have exchanged it for a new one. I didn’t think to bring it because at home I don’t normally change my toothbrush every 25 days.

What was your most prized possession while on trip and why?
My GoPro for the memories and pictures that I was able to capture.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
The experience of going on trip is important because it teaches you how to appreciate the little things in life, as well as the nature that this country is made from. It teaches us to work as teams and work together with all different types of people. It teaches us how to live a simple life and that you don’t need expensive or fancy things to be happy or to find happiness within yourself. I would describe this experience to someone who never has been on trip as life changing. It may be hard at times, but that’s when you’ve got to laugh and make it into a good time and ultimately just have fun.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Laugh about everything, appreciate nature and to stop sometimes and really look around at all the beauty that is surrounding you. Write in detail in your trip journal you’ll definitely thank yourself later on.

[Editors Note: Evacuations are a very real possibility in any remote wilderness scenario, especially a canoe trip of significant length. These can happen for any number of circumstances, including personal health, injury or family tragedy and many evacuated campers return to complete the canoe trip. Staff members are all Wilderness First Aid certified and connected to camp and emergency services via satellite phone.]

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?
The highlight of this trip was definitely when we went on Superior because it is the most beautiful place ever and that we were one of the first Wapomeo trips to go. We met some extremely nice people over there.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
The low point of this trip was definitely when two of the girls had to leave trip for a couple of days. It was really hard because they are my best friends and it was different on trip without them.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t?
Bug spray for August. We didn’t think that the bugs would be that bad. My legs got bitten by mosquitoes all the month of August.

How did it feel to be away from the internet and social media for 50 days?
It was great because it made me realize that you can still have an incredible time without your electronics. It also made me realize that being with your friends for 50 days without electronics made our friendship so much stronger.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
The experience of going on trip is wonderful because it makes you reflect on yourself and makes you a better person. Going on trip is a really fun experience. You can be with your friends and have the time of your life.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Have fun and appreciate every moment, even the colder days or the rainy days because you will only be able to do this amazing trip with these amazing people once in your life.

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?
The feeling of finishing the 20 km portage. I’ve never felt so accomplished in my life.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
No low point. There is nothing that I love more than canoe trip. But, if I had to pick one, it might be right before lunch when we all get really ‘hangry’.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t?
I wish I would have been able to have my guitar for the entire trip but we didn’t bring it until our last segment. The first three segments were too tough and it would have been hard to portage it.

What was your most prized possession while on trip and why?
Not a possession, but definitely Mo, my co-staff. I couldn’t have done a second 50 day without her. She made me laugh and smile every minute of every day. Great teammate and so much fun to be around.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
I think trip is important because it teaches you to appreciate the little things. To be grateful. To rely on only your teammates and yourself. To push yourself farther than you thought you could be pushed. It teaches you to love yourself for who you are. It helps you understand your physical and emotional strengths. It helps you to connect with nature and to connect with yourself. It teaches you to make the best of every situation, good and bad. It teaches you to love the sun and the rain. It teaches you to smile everyday. It enables us to break down gender barriers and show the world that WE CAN DO IT! Trip gives us a chance to become the best version of ourselves. It reminds us how beautiful and strong we really are. How capable and independent we are. Trip grounds us, builds character and teaches us life lessons many of us would not learn elsewhere.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
If I have any advice it would be to laugh as much as possible. Any tough situation can be made fun if you let it. Enjoy the good days and the bad and laugh your way through every tough portage, swamp, creek, hunger pain and rainy day. LIVE, LAUGH, TRIP – AM I RIGHT?!

What was the highlight of the trip for you?

Was there a low point on the trip for you?

What was your most prized possession while on trip?
My journal, because it holds so many memories.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important? How would you explain it to someone who has never been on trip?
Going on trip is important because you get away from all the commotion of the city and you get to hang out with you best friends in the woods for a long time.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Live in the moment.

What was the highlight of the trip for you?
My staff, they were so kind.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t?
A better rain jacket, mine was way too thin. I wish I had it because it would make me warmer.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important? 
The experience of going on fifty day is important because it takes you away from the troubles of society and your own house. You can discover parts of nature that you’ve never seen before. 50 Day shows you the beauty of not just one park, but many. I would describe it as a life-changing opportunity.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Be kind to your cabin mates and be helpful with the small jobs, because at the end of the day none of that matters .

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?
I can’t really pin point a certain day or memory but spending 50 days in the woods with 8 of my best friends was really special and a highlight for me.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
Not really, but there are always going to be a few days on any canoe trip where you wake up and you just want to stay in your sleeping bag.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t?
I wish I brought a blow up pillow on trip! I have never brought pillows on any of my trips and so I thought I could do what I normally do and roll up my sweatpants. Little did I know that it would be colder in August and so I didn’t end up having my makeshift pillow. Some other girls in the cabin brought pillows and I was kind of jealous of them!

Did you have a designated role while on trip (cook, clean, firewood, wannigan)? How did you fall into this role?
I am the wannigan carrier! I started carrying it as a Kiowa and continued on, I took a few years off from it but I love it so much I couldn’t bare not carrying on 50 day!

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important? How would you explain it to someone who has never been on trip?
Trip is honestly a magical experience. Trip is something that changes people only for the better. It’s somewhere you can be yourself and open up to others and be one with nature. You spend however many days with your best friends in these beautiful parks and regions and make memories that will last a lifetime.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
50 day is hard, but if it weren’t hard no one would do it. So embrace it. Also it may seem daunting and scary but remember that it’s 50 days out of your entire life. People put a lot of pressure on the trip to make it this special and life changing trip but you can’t force it. You have to let the trip do it’s thing and it will be special if you don’t stress about it being special!

Was there a low point on the trip for you? What was it?
Probably on the second last day, we had a nasty headwind. We were paddling so hard and were barely moving. The lake was like an ocean, it was all white cap waves and water was splashing into our boats.

How did it feel to be away from the internet and social media for 50 days?
Technically I was only on trip for 18 days. I got evacuated twice, which was devastating. But the time I had completely away was great.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
I think trip is so important as it teaches you life skills that you’d never learn in the city. It really tests you as well. Being out there for so long, portaging, paddling for hours. It tests your perseverance, strength, your will power. You have to be extremely motivated to get through it all. But it also builds you up. As much as it can break you, trip makes you stronger and it builds bonds between you and your cabin mates. Is a crazy thing we’re doing, but it can also be amazing as well.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Remember everything. The bad, and the good. And if you ever feel like quitting, maybe in the middle of a buggy 6km portage, going uphill and you can hardly breath, just remember the good times. Remember what makes it all worth it. Remember why you do this, and think of the benefits. How much stronger you’ll be. The friends you make who you’ll never forget. I know it sounds cheesy but it’s true. Every second of trip is worth it. Remember that.

[Editors Note: Evacuations are a very real possibility in any remote wilderness scenario, especially a canoe trip of significant length. These can happen for any number of circumstances, including personal health, injury or family tragedy and many evacuated campers return to complete the canoe trip. Staff members are all Wilderness First Aid certified and connected to camp and emergency services via satellite phone.]

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
Evacuations. Taking anyone off of canoe trip is never easy and takes a big toll on the group and the dynamic.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t?
I’m having a really hard time thinking of one. I appreciated the minimalist approach this trip. Most trips I had over packed, making my pack extra heavy for no reason.

How did it feel to be away from the internet and social media for 50 days?
It always feels good to put away our technology and live in the moment. Going into towns and getting internet would pull away from that and it felt wrong.

Did you have a designated role while on trip?
Cooking was something I enjoyed doing for my co-staff and campers as the food prepared always brought everyone together and gave them a sense of comfort.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important? 
It’s almost impossible to explain to someone that has never been on trip. Going on trip is important because it serves as a strong reminder as to what’s really important in life. Most things that are stressed about in the city can be forgotten about on trip. I love that.

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?

Getting to spend everyday with my closest friends and continuing to make those friendships stronger.

Did you have a designated role on trip?

I don’t think anyone has a designated role. People have preferred roles but we’re a team so if one person is doing something we should be doing something too, whether it’s cleaning, cooking, collecting firewood or loading and unloading boats.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip? 

It’s OK to feel anxious, 50 days is a long time. Take the trip day by day because before you know it, you’ll be paddling in on Day 50 wishing you could go back to Day 1. Also, embrace everything you’re faced with.

What was your most prized possession while on trip?
My sweatshirt. It was my best friend’s sweatshirt that she let me take on trip, it kept me warm, and it was my pillow so it meant a lot to me.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important?
If canoe trip wasn’t a part of my life, I would not be the person I am today. It sounds super cheesy, but canoe trip allows me to be me, and only me. Every year I get to watch myself grow physically and mentally.

What was the longest canoe trip you had done before this one?
22 days in Kipawa

How did it feel to be away from the internet and social media for 50 days?
It felt absolutely amazing. I’m not a big fan of social media.

What was your most prized possession while on trip and why?
My paddle, but then it broke. I love my paddle.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important? How would you explain it to someone who has never been on trip?
I think canoe trip is important because it gets you to open up to new challenges and you get to get really close to 8 other people. It also just feels so amazing to be outside 24/7 for 50 days. You really appreciate the outdoors.

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?
I think the highlight of my trip was the bonds I made with my cabin. I loved getting to know each of my cabin mates in a completely different way than I would get to know them in the city. I loved getting to know my staff, both of whom I had before this trip, and creating the best friendships in my life.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?
A low point of the trip for me was on Day 48, when the trip was coming to an end. I felt the worst I had felt on the trip because I didn’t want it to end.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t?
I wish I had brought stamps and envelopes. I think I wanted to go on trip and have no contact with the outside world, but once I got on the trip I regretted my decision. I wanted to write letters to my friends and family telling them how much fun I was having.

What was your most prized possession while on trip and why?
My trip journal. It was super important to me to document everything I was feeling on a certain day, whether I was happy or sad, so I could read it afterwards and see how I grow and mature throughout the trip. I noticed when I was rereading it the different patterns of me letting go of the things that don’t matter.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Understand that the people going on your trip will make mistakes, drop things, and get a bit feisty at times. Remember to be forgiving and patient. Also have fun and let loose because it’s one of the best opportunities to channel your inner weirdo.

What was the highlight of the trip for you and why?
The highlight of this year’s trip was the bounds that I created with my cabin mates. Although that’s probably the cheesiest and most common answer you could give, it’s true. You grow so close to the people when you spend 24 hours a day with them, every day for 50 days in the middle of nowhere. The bonds you make with others on trip are strong and inevitable which in my opinion is rare and the best part about this trip.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t?
I wish I packed another pair of dry socks for the last 2 segments of trip. I didn’t pack them because I thought the 2 pairs I packed would last me but then I forgot that I didn’t have any new socks coming and I dropped both pairs of the dry socks.

Did you have a designated role while on trip?
The only specific role I ever took on was as a canoe carrier. I carried it with two other campers on the trip. I asked if I could carry it. Canoe carriers are not the most common campers, so everyone was really happy to let me help out in that department.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Stay present because once you’re done trip, all you are going to think about is those past two months.

What was the highlight of the trip for you?
Place wise, definitely Georgian Bay. I’ve never paddled on a lake that big and just seeing the water meet the sky was a really cool experience. Memory wise, the friendships that I formed with my cabin mates and staff.

Was there a low point on the trip for you?

I can’t remember the exact day, but I had one day where I just lost all my energy and couldn’t breathe. I was having panic attacks on all the portages and was really struggling. But I got through it.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t?
I wish I had brought a better camera. In the past I’ve always lost, forgotten, or broken my camera on trip, so I didn’t want to do that again on 50 Day. I just brought an iPod with a camera cause I knew I wouldn’t lose it as easily.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important? How would you explain it to someone who has never been on trip?
It’s so important. The amount of patience and respect I have developed for other people, and for nature’s has all been because of trip. I wouldn’t be who I am today without the experiences, good or bad, that I’ve had on trip.

What’s one thing you wish you had brought on trip that you didn’t? Why didn’t you bring it? Why do you wish you’d had it?
My polaroid camera! I haven’t used it in a really long time so it didn’t even cross my mind to bring. My co-staff brought hers and took one polaroid a day for the entire trip. At the end of the trip we looked through all of them as a group and it was really great to have a significant image to look at and remind us of each day of trip. It was such a cool idea, I wish I had done the same.

Why do you think the experience of going on trip is important? How would you explain it to someone who has never been on trip?

Both 50-Day canoe trips I have done were extremely important times in my life. This type of experience is very challenging to describe to people. This canoe trip really challenges you in the best possible way. Both as a camper and staff, I had many obstacles to overcome and with the support of 8 other people you love beside you, the hard times really don’t seem so bad. As a camper I met my best friends during my 50-Day, and as a staff I was lucky enough to make seven more best friends. My campers inspired me everyday, and reminded me that you are never to old to be silly. This trip gives people an escape from their busy and stressful lives, and reminds us of how beautiful the simple things in life are.

Any words of wisdom for the next 50 Day Trip?
Remember that no matter how difficult something may seem, you will most likely look back on that experience when you are home and think about how you would do anything to be back in the woods with your best friends.


A heartfelt thank you to all of the men and women at the Taylor Statten Camps and Camp Wapomeo who helped to make this project a success, especially the powerful women featured within these images. “Teamwork is the key to a successful canoe trip, and cooperation is necessary when you are living so close to each other for 24 hours a day, sometimes for two weeks or longer. It’s an experience you can’t get anywhere else.” – Adèle “Couchie” Ebbs, Former Director – Camp Wapomeo. For more information about their canoe trips, from overnight to fifty days and Algonquin Park to Biscotasing, visit the link below.